Wedding dresses on Grey’s Anatomy

I just love to watch TV. However I almost never do it in real time. I am a DVR kinda of girl and cannot tell you the last time I actually seen a commercial.

On most nights you will catch me in my sitting area of my bedroom with feet propped up, laptop on my lap and the TV watching me. This usually goes on until about midnight. Or until Jeff tells me to get off and spend some quality time. Yes I am truly a workaholic.

Most of the shows I enjoy are reality TV (Real Housewives of any state anyone?), but I do check out CSI Miami as well as 24 (Jeff refuses to call Keifer Sutherland anything but Jack Baur). Of course there is room in my life for the chick flick kinda shows. In enters Grey’s Anatomy. I must admit I have stayed on for the up and downs of Meredith and Derrick (I have always been a Meredith fan but not Angelina, we will save this for another post). I am still all giddy inside when I watch it and love that Bailey is finally showing her softer side.

So in case you missed last nights episode, Meredith and Derrick are getting married! Last night she tried on a barrage of dresses with many of them looking a hot mess. But the last one, which looks like it will be the one she will pick, looked amazing on her!

I wonder if Shonda Rhimes plans to write Meredith’s pregnancy into the show? What did you think of last night’s episode?

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