We are one of the Top 100 Wedding Blog in the Country!!!!

At the beginning of every year we hold our breaths hoping that we have done our best in blogging.  To be honest we fell off a  bit in that arena and I promised myself, and our clients that that will change.  We will be blogging much more often and definitely just plan on having a good ole time on here.  We want to make sure you meet and know our fabulous clients, plus get to know us just a bit more.  We love what we do, the fun finds we come across and just want to share any and everything with you!

So thank you to Top 100 Wedding Blogs for honoring us three years in a row for our blog. Thank you for thinking we deserve to share the same page as some of the BEST bloggers alive in our industry (who we totally look up too!). We will continue to serve you and our industry proud!

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